Spring Yoga Therapy - April 2023

This blog is intended to be a resource and simple reference for yoga practitioners who wish to advance their personal practice of health and wellness. While the information I share here is merely a reflection of my own understanding of yoga and other spiritual methodologies familiar to me, I encourage all readers to explore their own personal journey into the world of yoga and yoga therapy.

At the Cusp of the Shift

While the spring equinox in late March may not seem as climactic as the summer or winter solstice, the hidden efforts held in the energy of springtime are an opportunity for monumental and lasting change over the next six months. During April here in the Colorado mountains, the push of rising, expansive life force energy (prana) from the earth at our altitude requires deep effort and consistent commitment (abyhasa). This deep effort is the manifesting expression of the vital and essential life energy (Prakriti) inherent in all life.

Strengthen Your Roots

Last week, I saw my first Robin of the season, a sure omen of springtime here in the Rockies. The Robin brings hope of life’s vigor, always cheerful and on the move. This same week that I and the Robin were singing songs about the loveliness of spring, subfreezing winds blew in, reminding us both of what it means to cling tightly to our roots and be a determining life force! This is the time of year for affirming our strength and will for life, and also for reminding ourselves of what it means to have deep, strong roots that will carry us through present and future challenges.

Wiggle and Reach

Have you ever watched a time-lapse video of a seedling sprouting? They wiggle and reach! Starting with their roots, they dig deep and then expand their aerials. Now is the time to add in wiggles to your yoga practice! When holding a posture, consider what areas of your body need to move, from a micro-adjustment to a rhythmic beat accompanied by your own music. There is no right or wrong way of doing this. Just aim for what feels curious and satisfying in your body.

Ceremonial Bathing

In Ayurveda, this is the season of shifting from cold, slow dense water to warm(er) mobile water. In the west, this shows up as frequent periods of rain and larger, wetter snow showers. Embrace this sacred element by visiting your favorite hot spring, hot tub, or bath tub and practice a soaking meditation. Focus on appreciating the fluid nature of your body and the water and the ease water brings to your body. After all, more than half our body is made of water! And if you haven’t already joined me and Diana of Tadasana Mountain Yoga for an April yoga retreat at Joyful Journey Hot Springs in Moffat Colorado, consider signing up for next year’s retreat!

An April Yoga Practice

During the month of April, focus your yoga practice on small movements and wiggles within extension or reaching postures. Remember your strong and firm roots (outward planting feet and strong legs) as you explore your own creative expression and movement.

Palm Tree / Talasana

Wide toes and strong legs are the key to freeing the upper body. Start by reaching tall and then side to side as you progress in strength, stability and flexibility.

Wide toes, strong legs and an engaged core are key to freeing the upper body. Start by reaching tall and then side to side as you progress in breath awareness, strength, stability and flexibility. Micro-bending your knees will help avoid strain in the lower back.

Side Stretch or Pyramid / Parsvottanasana

Wiggling the toes and adjusting the position of the hips, left and right, will support an increase of prana from the feet up. Blocks under the hands will also support more freedom of movement in the spine, iliotibial band, chest and shoulders.

Five Pointed Star / Utthita Tadasana

Use deep breaths as you explore the connecting lines of your fantastic nervous system, Wiggle fingers and toes and play with hands turning up and down, arms reaching forward and backward, head turning left and right, etc. There are many other postures accessible from this place, if you want to continue your practice of exploration and movement.

Reclined Bound Angle / Supta Baddha Konasana

When you are ready to rest after your wiggles and reaches, give yourself time and space to find a calm present breath and body.

… with support

Optional: use a rolled up blanket under the spine while you rest in reclined bound angle pose. This can also help relieve tension of the neck and shoulders and promote deeper breathing.

Spring time is also a time when we sometimes feel a need for something different but are otherwise stuck, or unsure of what the next right step is. For yoga practitioners at an level, yoga therapy can be a great and fun tool for self-discovery, helping you arrive at the answers you are seeking. As always, please feel free to reach out for a yoga therapy session with me online or at the Tadasana Mountain Yoga studio in Nederland, CO.